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What do these units correspond to in the collection?
What do these units correspond to in the collection?
Updated over a week ago

It is quite common during the collection process to have to fill in some values with unusual units:,,

The units used are specific to the Emission Factors associated with business activities.

Travel :
In the travel item, there are several units allowing the collection of data: km,,


The units and are identical.

How to calculate the value of the data to collect?

Simply determine the number of people who have made a trip with an associated type of transport:

Example: 3 employees made 1 return trip from Paris to Marseille by train. The distance between these 2 cities is 660 km, i.e. 1320 km for a return trip.

The number of employees must therefore be multiplied by the distance per person.

660 * 2 * 3 = 3960

NB: The objective of this data is not to know the total number of passengers in a train but rather to count the number of people, associated with your company, who made the corresponding trip.

In the Freight post, the unit is frequently used. The objective here is to count the tonnage of transported goods associated with the activity of the company and to multiply it by the number of km covered by the vehicle.

Example: a container ship leaving Le Havre to go to New York by boat, travels 5656 km. The container ship transports 10,000 tons of goods, 500 tons of which are associated with your company's activity, so the value collected is as follows

5656 * 500 = 2,828,000

Warning : double counting of data is quite common. For a value to be collected, it is possible that several data with different units have been set up (see below)


There are several Emission Factors (EF) related to the purchase of raw materials, such as aluminum for example in k€ or in ton. The k€ are monetary ratios present in the company's expense accounts while the tons really correspond to the weight of raw materials acquired.

NB: The "ton" unit should be preferred, in order to refine the carbon balance as much as possible (lower uncertainty)

It is therefore possible that you have at your disposal these 2 pieces of information: "ton" and "k€" but you should only collect one of these 2 values. The data in k€ has been set up to allow collectors to gather the necessary data more easily.

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